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 @RollinWhite from Washington answered…8mins8m

Yes, but only if the vaccines have been thoroughly tested. And said companies employ 150 or more people.

 @9NHNL58 from Minnesota answered…8mins8m

Bernie Standards

 @9NHNL58 from Minnesota answered…8mins8m

Bernie Standards

 @9NHNK45 from Massachusetts answered…9mins9m

Too far left.

 @9NHNJ8F from Maryland answered…10mins10m

Funding should not be withheld from police forces, however more social programs should be implimented.

 @9NHN8CT from Pennsylvania answered…24mins24m

Mentally unstable

 @9NHMVFY from Texas answered…43mins43m

Marjorie Greene

 @9NHMTC3 from Missouri answered…45mins45m

Students should be taught about raistism but not one sided. All views should be discussed. Raistism will not stop until…

 @9NHMTC3 from Missouri answered…45mins45m

Student loans interst should be set-up like home loans where your interst is added upfront and you can Paydown your loan…

 @9NHMTC8 from Texas answered…45mins45m

He is incompetent and is destroying the economy and military

 @9NHMTC3 from Missouri answered…45mins45m

Our country should always strive to be a leader in protecting our country but spending should be held to accountability.

 @9NHM5N6 from Oklahoma answered…1hr1H

No, the current iteration of the technology does nothing to reduce climate impacts of industrial animal husbandry.

 @9NHLT53 from Texas answered…1hr1H

Yes & No - No on the issue to not destroy Texas lands, rivers, wildlife & stuff like this. Yes - get input form the lan…

 @9NHLT53 from Texas answered…1hr1H

No, each parent should make that decision but the child will have to attend schools that are only for children that have…

 @9NHLT53 from Texas answered…1hr1H

yes on a case by case, have a clear record and has yearly training prior to an officer seeking qualified immunity.

 @9NHLT53 from Texas answered…1hr1H

the government nor the justice system should dictate what is qualifies these reasons. I am Pro-life, but allow in cases…

 @9NHLT53 from Texas answered…1hr1H

No, it was not the manufacturers product that killed the person it was the person who pulled the trigger.