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 @9NYPG6R from New Jersey answered…13mins13m

No, because it might be to expensive for some people.

 @89C3J2H from Utah answered…14mins14m

Yes, but should be option (opt in), not mandatory.

 @9NYP8YP from New York answered…17mins17m

Somwhat, however we should keep a sense of neutrality as it could really help us with avoiding wars.

 @9NYNZH7 from Ohio answered…23mins23m

Ellen Tinsley

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

She is a war mongering neo-liberal with an outdated political view

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

Nina Turner

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

Thomas Chatterton-Williams

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

Norm Finkelstein

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

There should be no CRT has no place in Grade school - The only thing little kids comprehend is that its not fair to…

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

Nuclear is the only viable interim solution. Buying Carbon credits is a publicity stunt for rich corporations. Renewabl…

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

Yes - Raise taxes to 1960's levels on anyone making more than $500,000 per year Lower taxes on the middle class and poo…

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

The internet is no longer free from government censorship or attempts to restrict viewpoints. TikTok is about to be ban…

 @9NYNMRH from Illinois answered…30mins30m

Military should only be used for defensive purposes. Stop the destabilizing imperialist forever wars

 @9NYNK7F from Missouri answered…33mins33m

No. Homeowners get themselves into their own troubles, they should get out of it themselves too without the citizens of…

 @9NXW9RJ from Utah answered…33mins33m

Produce healthier food for people through cost-effective measures. Find healthy alternatives to GMOs.

 @9NYNH9S from Texas answered…35mins35m

Yes, as long as the vaccine went through extensive research so people are aware of any existing side effects

 @9NYNH9S from Texas answered…35mins35m

Yes, children should be aware of the society that they will be entering and racism cannot be eliminated simpily due to t…

 @9NYN7LSfrom Ohio  answered…42mins42m

No, just ban semi-automatic firearms (e.g. semi-automatic rifles and semi-automatic handguns) instead.

 @9NYN7LSfrom Ohio  answered…42mins42m

Yes, they should be allowed to ban political advertising. It's their web-site they can ban whatever they want.

 @9NXW9RJ from Utah answered…43mins43m

Life begins at conception. The unborn and newborn should be granted the same God-given unalienable rights as other livin…

 @9NXW9RJ from Utah answered…43mins43m

Diversity training should be voluntary. Government and other entities and institutions should not require diversity trai…