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 @9NHB2QJ from Washington answered…29mins29m

I think it depends on the tensions we have with other countries and whether or not we need the protection atm.

 @9NH4996 from Louisiana answered…2hrs2H

I side with the civilians who are suffering the most on both sides. Neither the Gazan civilians nor the Israeli hostages…

 @9NGPLMK from New Jersey answered…6hrs6H

Increase, but only as long as there proves a reason to do so (possible threats/ not being able to protect civilians).

 @9NGMH6F from Illinois answered…7hrs7H

I don't really know because if we fund them too much who knows what they are going to actually do with the money and if…

 @9NGGRCWfrom Maine  answered…9hrs9H

I am mostly pro Israel but would support an agreement in which the two peoples can live by each other peacefully

 @9NGFNMT from Texas answered…9hrs9H

It is my opinion that the U.S. does have jurisdiction to try a foreign national in a federal court or hold them in Guant…

 @9NG845Vfrom Guam  answered…12hrs12H

Jerusalem shall be an occupation zone but has freedom to move there with tight security, for this to keep the name as Ho…

 @9NG4JK3 from Nevada answered…15hrs15H

Only to stop genocides and global conflict from happening and/or respond to them boots on the ground. But the US should…

 @9NG4JK3 from Nevada answered…15hrs15H

Restructure & heavily regulate as well as create funding scources, varible cost will rise indefinintly so the Gov shou…

 @9NG47V6 from California answered…15hrs15H

If tensions begin to rise heavily with the following countries: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or Saudi Arabia, then…

 @9NG32RT from California answered…16hrs16H

It depends on where they are. In the U.S. borders, yes, outside of the U.S. borders, no. And where apprehended matters

 @9NG26QW from Georgia answered…17hrs17H

Yes, but provide humanitarian aid and establish military protection zones for the protection of the Ukrainian people.

 @9NFRHSP from New York answered…22hrs22H

Limited to the same constitutional rights extended to fed/state prosecutions of criminal defendants.