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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…12hrs12H

Catalan Separatists Lose Grip on Power as Spain's Socialists Surge in Regional Elections


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Wisconsin Supreme Court to Revisit Ballot Drop Box Debate


 @9MF633D from Georgia answered…1hr1H

this issue has always been irrelevant as it speaks to the ethics of the candidate receiving the funds, not to the donor

 @9MF2QMJ from Missouri answered…7hrs7H

If an individual has gone through the legal immigration process BEFORE entering the country, AND is required to pay taxe…

 @9MF2F74 from Wisconsin answered…7hrs7H

Depends on what the term "foreigners" is supposed to mean. Green card holders should be allowed to vote, but non-residen…

 @9MDX6HB from Texas answered…12hrs12H

It should be restored to its original condition. No winner take all, no laws agains faithless electors and 1 elector per…