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3 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…7mos7MO

A 16 year old isn’t the only one working at McDonald’s, not to mention that so many of their workers don’t have many other options despite being on the doer side. A livable wage is essential to survival, and if that’s too much to ask, we have failed as a nation. The money could easily just come from the companies profits, especially with larger ones that have gained incredibly high returns.

 @9FYP482Socialist from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

This hypothetical reach of a scenario doesn't include the fact that many teenagers who work help their families or save for later. Everyone deserves a living wage, otherwise, companies get to profit from the exploitation of the workers' labor.

 @9FYNPTXDemocrat from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

This statement is likely coming from the same people who believe that a 16-year-old should be denied the option of abortion and fully care for a baby on her own. How can one generalize that a 16-year-old doesn't "need" to make a living wage? People who have a job at 16 years old likely stay with that job or similar ones for many years to come. This means they are also getting that same pay with very minimal raises and chances for advancements. Denying a living wage for 16-year-olds is denying a living wage for those in their mid-twenties. The argument that increasing wages will increase the cost of living quite literally does not make sense. When in reality what has been happening is that the cost of living is rising exponentially, and wages are remaining the same.


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