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 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…1wk1W

Yes, the federal government should issue grants and PABs for states with projects on designated high speed corridors (186+ MPH MAS, 155 MPH Average Speed) and higher speed corridors (110-125 MPH MAS, 90-110 MPH Average Speed). States should utilize P3s to help increase efficiency of project development

 @9N28HDM from Georgia answered…5 days5D

Polling in population centers should be done to determine where development should be done for high speed rail and to not penalize areas where it is not wanted by the general public.

 @9MYS7FH from Georgia answered…6 days6D

I feel like it would cause too much construction/damage to the area and will create more havoc in the community.

 @9MYMGYN from Georgia answered…6 days6D

Yes, but great care should be taken to avoid using eminent domain to displace landowners, whenever possible. If they must be displaced, pay them well above market value for their trouble.

 @9MSGYVD from Illinois answered…1wk1W

No, instead we should deregulate the rail industry so that private companies are more likely and able to invest in these forms of transportation.

 @9MPCXDD from Michigan answered…1wk1W

Every attempt in the U.S. to subsidize high-speed rail infrastructure has turned out to be a money hole. Like the California High-Speed Rail Authority! If the organization being subsidized could actually produce results, then I'd be all for it. 100%

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