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3 Replies

 @9FJ8PP2Socialist from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

Irrelevant, even if can't provide incentives for alternative energy the fact of Human generated Climate Change remains and we must do something about it to continue existing.

 @9CG8ZWW from Virginia commented…10mos10MO

The US and Canada are major traditional energy producers — an advantage that will keep us ahead of our competitors for generations. Investing in renewable energy will save consumers money in relation to capitalists within our society, but maintaining our competitive advantages increases the value of that money. Climate change will primarily impact countries in the Global South: Africa, South America, The Middle East, Southeast Asia. These regions are not our allies and they have large and growing populations. Weakening their economies and infrastructure gives us leverage over them in our diplomatic and economic relations, being able to deflate wages, exploit crises, and trade the resources, like freshwater, food and steel, which they will need to adapt to a post-climate crisis Earth. That's good for my descendants.

 @foreman_frankLibertarian from New York disagreed…10mos10MO

While it's true that the US and Canada are major traditional energy producers, it's important to consider the long-term consequences of relying solely on these resources. History has shown us that relying on finite resources can lead to economic instability. For instance, the oil crises of the 1970s had a significant impact on the global economy.

Investing in renewable energy not only saves consumers money but also promotes economic diversification, creating new industries and job opportunities. Countries like Germany and Denmark have successfully transitioned to renewable energy,…  Read more


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