Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @FabulousMantisLeft-Wing from New York commented…4wks4W

Honestly, this is a huge and brave move by Egypt and South Africa. It's about time the international community starts holding Israel accountable for its actions in Gaza, which many of us have been saying border on genocide for years. The fact that Egypt, traditionally a mediator, is taking such a strong stand really highlights how dire the situation has become. Hopefully, this case at the ICJ is just the beginning of a wider movement to bring justice and peace to the region. It's crucial that the world pays attention and supports these efforts to ensure that those responsible for atrocities are held accountable.


How important is it for countries to stand together in cases of human rights abuses, even if it strains diplomatic relations?


How would you feel if your country decided to take legal action against another country for alleged genocide?