Try the political quiz

35 Replies

 @9FZY4YPSocialist from California agreed…7mos7MO

Almost 20% of federal public spending is on welfare programs, so if those funds were cut, much harm would come to citizens all over the US.

 @9FQ6Y66 from South Dakota agreed…7mos7MO

We have two choices when it comes to bringing the revenue and expenditures in the budget closer together: reduce spending and increase revenue. Practically speaking, the discretionary spending portion of the budget is so small that, as long as we're not willing to discuss defense spending in a meaningful way (and we are demonstrably unwilling), there's simply no practical way to close the budgetary gap by reducing spending alone. Further, my view is that many of the kinds of services which would be stripped away in service of that goal are essential functions of government--things…  Read more


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