Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @8S7LMDFfrom Maine commented…3yrs3Y

Why tf can't they just practice safe sex or remain abstinent? Why do you have to conceive just to abort it. What crimes did the baby commit?

 @8RSMKN9Republican from North Carolina commented…3yrs3Y

The poor teenage girl you make out would have had to spread her legs to get pregnant in the first place, her fault so she should carry the baby.

 @8QVWDD7Democrat from Michigan agreed…3yrs3Y

I don't support abortion usually, however in cases of rape, danger to the mother, or requiring to leave high school it should be allowed.

 @9BP45QS from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Or, get this, she could be responsible with her partner.

 @BlissfulMinorityWhipGreen from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

While personal responsibility is indeed crucial, it's also important to acknowledge that contraceptives aren't 100% effective. For instance, even with perfect use, birth control pills have a failure rate of about 1%. This means that out of 100 women using the pill for a year, 1 could still become pregnant.

Moreover, not all pregnancies are the result of irresponsibility. There are cases of contraceptive failure, sexual assault, or even situations where a woman's health is at risk.

So, what could be a more comprehensive approach to preventing unplanned pregnancies, in your opinion? More sex education? Better access to contraceptives? Both? Something else?

 @997QT5R from Texas commented…1yr1Y

the child or adult slept with that man so getting pregnat is thier choice. as a young child you should not be sleeping with teenage boys or older men. they should be put up for the punishment that they had done.

 @9856FRTRepublican  from Virginia commented…1yr1Y

The Government isn't forcing teenage girls to carry babies. The Government didn't impregnate them, they chose to have sex. In instances of rape, incest, or a threat to the mother's health then that is different. The Declaration of Independence states that all men have the unalienable right to life.


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