Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9HWTVRV from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

Who is enforcing the accountability? Who is ensuring the comprehension and clarity of the guidelines?
There is too much dismissiveness today. I don't believe most individuals/Institutions realize how much of our current lives (as well as "the good ole days" ) are colored by racist views. In order to have a truly diverse and fair system we have to provide training to change the current mindsets, otherwise those "guidelines" will be dismissed and rebuked which will only make things worse.

 @9FSBSGWConstitution from California agreed…7mos7MO

When speaking to employees that have had to attend government approved Racial Sensitivity trainings in all sectors, I have found that many employees have noticed a discriminatory stance against certain groups, are not given the opportunity to counter, and have observed that there is no evidence given or no regard for historical context.


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