Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9GMNWKB from Ohio disagreed…6mos6MO

poor self-confidence in low- scoring students, taking away student creativity, lowers student motivation, and test anxiety.

 @9HRDFM2Independent  from Ohio disagreed…4mos4MO

The basic purpose of public school is to ensure access to equal education resources, and so uniform testing is absolutely required to fit this basic purpose. I support increased funding for advanced classes and after school programs to further assist students with particular academic gifts, as that is a great investment for our future. But to end a program that is designed to help all students meet an adequate minimum sounds absurd, given my views above.

 @955M75D from New York commented…2yrs2Y

New movement to do away with standardized testing such as GREs and SATs which are not required for all Ph.D. programs to begin with! However, students and Nations are compared on education measures, such as average age of school completed in the population, and number of STEM (science, technology, math and engineering) graduates or those with advanced degrees. Looking at China and US comparisons yesterday from 1949 to present which of course begin with population literacy, and drive the economies. Julie Ann Racino, ASPA, SSTIG, 2019

 @955M75D from New York asked for more information…2yrs2Y

Studentś potential is also an economic inquiry in which it is often more important to have a credential than to have an A! Today, we have the global initiatives on schooling for girls (in UN Sustainable Development Goals) which our newsmedia indicates is not supported, for example, by the Taliban in Afghanistan. And we conversely have the wealthy who have even dropped out of college to become entrepreneurs; and new fast-tracked skilled trade apprenticeships.


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