Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @9G4B6F5 from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

There are plenty of domestic issues in this country. Why spend money supporting people who come here illegally instead of all the problems at home.

 @9FZ7G4K from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

It costs too much in taxpayer money. Our citizens struggle every day to make a living. They shouldn’t have their money taken away for illegal immigrants.

 @9FSMRGW from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Why should illegal immigrants be funded by legal citizen's tax dollars, I think sanctuary cities should be abolished, and all illegal immigrants should be deported.

 @9FN73VL from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

America first. States cannot afford to harbor these individuals. They need to get turned away and deported.

 @9FVL6MZRepublican from California disagreed…7mos7MO

They cost tax payer dollars. Not only that you will not benefit from a sanctuary city, lets be honest its dangerous to have literal undocumented people roaming around. you don't know if they are criminals are not all the while they are spending your tax dollars

 @9FCLFVT from North Dakota disagreed…7mos7MO

Sanctuary cities defy the Constitutional authority and responsibility of the federal government to protect our borders.


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