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 @9LRPNGW from Wisconsin answered…4hrs4H

Yes, and grant them citizenship. Even if their immigration processing is still pending. The American Immigration System…

 @9LRJRLY from Washington answered…8hrs8H

children should always have heath care, if adult pays taxes they get care and not deported if they dont pay they should…

 @9LR4LCY from Indiana answered…14hrs14H

yes, but as long as they pay. in the situation that their country cannot afford their care then yes they should be able…

 @9LR2J9P from Texas answered…15hrs15H

Until they have been granted Citizenship, and are paying taxes to the government. Then they have the right to have acces…

 @9LR28LY from Louisiana answered…15hrs15H

No they need to become a citizen and pay taxes before they can be provided American healthcare. If it is an emergency th…