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 @9LSTYXX from Oklahoma answered…1hr1H

Yes and no, I feel like there still is gonna be climate changes but I feel like they should do some kinda regulations

 @9LST7PH from California answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but it should be done gradually, and the government should fund research for energy alternatives.

 @9LSP55V from Texas answered…5hrs5H

I don't agree with this, because lets say you have a farmer who has ben pretty deep in the whole eviormental deal with p…

 @9LSML8M from Missouri answered…6hrs6H

Not until we can find a way to use something that doesn't produce as much carbon, because just never using vehicles agai…

 @9LSJDJM from Arizona answered…7hrs7H

They should but not at the moment. Yes clime change is happening but the government can decide on its own financial plan…

 @9LSBHL3 from Missouri answered…9hrs9H

Yes, the government should manage larger companies and their emissions more than just the average person

 @9LS7X6C from Maryland answered…11hrs11H

Yes, and provide criminal penalties to executives of companies who violate environmental regulations

 @9LS73MP answered…11hrs11H

global warming is bad yes but I mean like it's already been happening there is no way to stop it the world is going to g…

 @9LRVQ6S from California answered…20hrs20H

No, if JUST the USA made even stricter regulations towards climate change, It wouldn't do much as the majority of greenh…