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 @9LP36P6 from North Carolina answered…9hrs9H

If they’ve done everything required including paying restitution etc…. Depends on whether it’s a state or federal crime.…

 @9LNZDPR from North Carolina answered…14hrs14H

Not for most criminals, but criminals convicted under the age of 25, convicted of a lesser crime like shop lifting, and…

 @9LNYFS4 from Michigan answered…16hrs16H

Democracy sucks, it isn't compatible with liberty because you can just trick people into giving them up

 @9LNVK42 from California answered…20hrs20H

Convicted criminals should have the right to vote, as most "criminals" were actually innocent, but having been convicted…

 @9LNT9ND from Illinois answered…21hrs21H

Yes, except with those who have commited violent crimes, theft, murder, and after they have gone through guidance progra…