Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9GYQJ9S from Minnesota disagreed…5mos5MO

if we dont get rid of the wells, they could cause air pollution, but if we create more wells the pollution will affect us more in the future but we will make more money, so I think its best to do whats best for our futures and the future of our planet and get rid of all of the wells.

 @9HKT3BM from Hawaii agreed…4mos4MO

There is still a heavy reliance on oil for energy and gas, therefore until humanity is able to make the transition to fully alternative energy we need to still have some oil.

 @9G5NCQ5 from Maryland agreed…6mos6MO

Oil drilling is necessary to obtain fuel for industry, heating, vehicles, and petroleum byproducts like plastic., but it must regulated to prevent oil spills and protect the environment.


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