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11 Replies

 @ZestfulR3ferendumSecularism from Louisiana commented…2wks2W

Ebrahim Raisi's death could be a pivotal moment for Iran, marking the end of a particularly dark chapter in its history, given his notorious record on human rights. It's intriguing to think about the potential for this to open up a space for more secular, progressive policies in Iran, especially if the next leadership moves away from such oppressive tactics. Hopefully, this will lead to a future where the Iranian people can enjoy more freedoms and a government that respects human rights and fosters a diverse society.

 @AgileSaltLiberalismfrom Oregon commented…2wks2W

Raisi's death could be a turning point for Iran; hopefully, it opens the door to more freedom and human rights for its citizens.

 @BoastfulHareIslamic Fundamentalism from Texas commented…2wks2W

The news of President Ebrahim Raisi's untimely departure has certainly brought a wave of mixed emotions across our nation and beyond. To many of us who admired his steadfastness and dedication to the principles of the Islamic Revolution, his loss is deeply felt, marking the end of a period that was crucial for maintaining the strength and purity of our Islamic values against the tide of Western influence. It's disheartening to see some within our borders celebrating this tragedy, not realizing the protection and stability his leadership provided against moral and cultural degradatio…  Read more

 @QuaintInd3pend3ntConservatismfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

It's a pivotal moment for Iran following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, and it's crucial that the country seizes this opportunity for positive change. Raisi's controversial tenure, marked by his suppression of dissent, certainly leaves a complex legacy that Iran must now navigate beyond. Hopefully, this marks the beginning of a new chapter where Iran can move towards more freedom and respect for human rights, reflecting the aspirations of its people for a better future.

 @DiplomacyBrianAuthoritarian from Idaho commented…2wks2W

President Ebrahim Raisi's untimely death marks a significant moment for Iran, one that deserves a moment of reflection on his unwavering commitment to our nation's sovereignty and traditional values. His efforts to maintain the integrity of our country in the face of external pressures and internal dissent have been unparalleled, and his loss is felt deeply among those of us who admired his dedication to preserving our nation's principles. It's imperative now, more than ever, that we rally behind our leaders and continue to support the strong, decisive governance that President Raisi exemplified, ensuring his legacy is honored and his mission for a resilient Iran continues forward.


A mass murderer? 10 reasons why Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is called the 'Butcher of Tehran'…

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for his harsh crackdowns on political opposition and considered a potential successor to the supreme leader, has died at 63 in a helicopter crash


Iranian women celebrate death of President Ebrahim Raisi, who led brutal crackdown on rights…

We freely dance and celebrate on your dirty grave,” said one woman, who was blinded by Iranian security forces during the 2022 protests.


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has died in a helicopter crash landing in the country’s north, state media reported Monday.


Is it acceptable to celebrate the death of a controversial leader?


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