Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9MCPRP4 from Texas answered…4wks4W

National media bias is only slightly better than social media bias. Reporting integrity, facts, and ethics have all been eroded in favor of “clicks”, Algorithms create echo chambers reinforcing bias instead of facts to support honest discussion.

Social media algorithms are designed to present information similar to what is clicked on, thus presenting only one point of view, and rarely the opposing perspective. It makes news appear very one-sided. In addition, national media companies are consolidating, competing for ratings, and likely to become less influential than social media. This has led to news reporters chasing ratings at a priority above determining facts.

 @9MCK4B5Peace and Freedom  from Pennsylvania answered…4wks4W

It's the USERS not the governments fault for being misled and mistold and fed misinformation

 @9MCJHQYDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…4wks4W

People can fake anything on the internet, and even make fake AI art. Everyone has so much responsibility, never put your person information on the internet!

 @9MCJFQHIndependent from California answered…4wks4W