Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @LazyJ0intResolLibertarian from Florida commented…1mo1MO

It's disappointing to see Lubbock missing out on an opportunity to advance personal freedom and reduce unnecessary government interference in personal choices.


If you had to vote on marijuana decriminalization, how would personal experiences or stories you’ve heard influence your decision?


How would you feel if your community voted against a law you strongly supported, like the marijuana decriminalization proposal?


Legalized marijuana supporters hope voters in this Texas city will send a message to state lawmakers

There is no process in Texas for a voter-driven statewide referendum. So, supporters are going city by city to build statewide momentum.


Lubbock voters reject attempt to end arrests for possessing small amounts of marijuana

A ballot proposition would have instructed police not to arrest people who have four ounces or less of marijuana.