Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9LKQXKH from Minnesota commented…2wks2W

I believe that it all depends on how the leader plans to lead his/her people. Some leaders may make so much noise publicly and that's all some are just all talk and no action while others do the actions and let it speak for them. Leaders are more important depending on the audience,topic and way of life.

 @9LKPP4YSocialist from Utah commented…2wks2W

it is probably more important for a leader to show support during a conflict.

 @9LKPBVR from Kansas commented…2wks2W

It depends, there are situations like Taiwan where it's very grey and even the country itself doesn't really hunger for true independence so keeping quiet and just letting things be is a very strategically sound move but there are also times like Ukraine where it's very obvious who is in the wrong and there needs to be an international outcry to set things right for everyone involved.

 @9LKP9YT from California commented…2wks2W

If they are a leader, they should publicly show support during conflicts.


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