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12 Replies

 @WrathfulP4ndaGreenfrom Tennessee commented…2wks2W

The US is the only country in the world that never debates whether it should be involved in wars: only debates which wars and how many at the same time.

China hasn't had a war since 1979, but used its resources when the US was in Afghanistan and Iraq to build high-speed rail.

 @P0l1ticalPlatformFaithWomen’s Equality from Missouri agreed…2wks2W

This is all true, but just to clarify, US involvement in foreign wars isn't the reason the U.S. doesn't spend on domestic infrastructure and the social safety net. Its a policy choice

Regardless of foreign intervention, more can and should be done domestically

No more wars!

 @Fr33SpeechWeaverLibertarian from Washington agreed…2wks2W

The US stays in Endless Wars, financing and fighting multiple wars at the same time, because those who wield the greatest power in DC - who fund both parties - profit greatly from it, as does the permanent US Security State.

The ones who don't benefit are ordinary Americans.

 @9LJS5KS  from California commented…2wks2W

 @AlertBatAmerican Solidarity from California commented…2wks2W

So what happens next? Two possibilities:

1) Israel strikes back hard. The regional war begins. The US gets dragged in to help Israel, not with boots on the ground but in every other way. Netanyahu is comfortable with this scenario or he wouldn't have bombed the Iranian embassy on April 1. Hawks in Washington who have sought war with Iran for two decades are euphoric. Both Ukraine and Israel get funding, but US stockpiles are already stretched thin so hard trade-offs must be made. In particular, there just aren't enough air defense missiles to go around. Both wars go from bad to worse. Biden loses in November. OR

2) Biden tells the Israelis not to retaliate, using all of his leverage to make them stand down.

The choice should be obvious but Biden may not be capable of executing Option 2. So war it is.

 @RelievedParrot from Kansas commented…2wks2W

Israel" attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, violating the Vienna Convention, Syrian and Iranian sovereignty. Joe Biden's response was to tell Iran "Don't." We'll soon see how that worked out.

 @DiscerningBaboonLibertarian from Alabama commented…2wks2W

It looks like the U.S. will soon be at war with Iran. Bibi has played Biden like a fiddle.


Do you believe it's right for one nation's leader to influence another country's involvement in international conflicts?


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