Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @GnuHannahLibertarian from California answered…1mo1MO

Prediction: It will never be replaced.

 @ResilientSwanNo Labelsfrom Maine disagreed…1mo1MO

Prediction: It will be replaced but only as part of a multi billion dollar port improvement project that will take 10+ years with multiple cost overruns.

 @R3publicanPeytonSocialistfrom Maine answered…1mo1MO

I don’t know why Biden immediately sticks the tax payers with the bill before even attempting to go after the shipping company and their insurers. They move with lightening speed when it comes to spending our future labor hours.

 @RelievedL3ftyTranshumanist from Arizona answered…1mo1MO

Checking with CoPilot for recent significant US bridges built, the Frederick Douglass Bridge in DC cost about $500 million. And its total length is only 1,444ft, vs over 8600ft for the key bridge. My guess? $4 billion+.

 @LolliesEmmaLibertarian from Wyoming answered…1mo1MO

Possibly in the billions. Will probably spend more than $61 million just working on the paint color, name, and eventual grand opening event.


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Last activeActivity166 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias100%Audience bias100%Active inPartyRepublicanLocationPacific Palisades, CA