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10 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

No, I’m referring to him trying to cancel mail-in ballots as often as possible. Trump is a traitor to America, as proven by his VOCAL support of Project 2025.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Mail-in ballots can easily be rigged. A new poll reveals how a whopping 20% of mail-in voters admit cheating in 2020: WAY MORE than enough to overturn a Trump victory in favour of Biden. Here's the link:

Heartland/Rasmussen Poll: One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Committing at Least One Kind of Voter Fraud During 2020 Election

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

That’s ironic, you just referenced a news source that also responds like a thousand times more that the election wasn’t stolen. If you have concerns about mail-in ballots, fund making them more secure. I’m all for election security, but if you’re going to get rid of methods of actually voting, it’s easy to view one as anti-voting rights

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

I purposely provided you with a liberal news source to make it more believable to you. You probably wouldn't have listened if I sent you a Tucker Carlson video about it, know would you. And you do the math – if 20% of votes were cheated, even if just FIVE PERCENT of votes were cheated, what does that mean in races that are decided by less than 2%? The media cannot deny basic math. Neither should you.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

It is basic math that is surprisingly misleading, simple math for things like copying news sources tends to miss a lot of the picture.

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