Try the political quiz

9 Replies


Considering the different strategies of California and Florida, what role do you think a governor's words and actions play in the effectiveness of handling a public health crisis?

 @9H8HZ3FSocialist from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

People tend to listen to who they elected and some don’t think critically by selling a second or third opinion

 @daylenbrunson from Washington answered…6mos6MO

I think they are both equally handling the situation awfully. They aren't great at managing and they aren't that bright when t comes to common sense. There is a "Florida man" headline for every day since Florida was populated. So they aren't great. And California... is California.

 @BobolinkAvery from Arkansas commented…6mos6MO

Are there still people who believe the CA response was anything other than disastrous?

 @PartisanPolarBoars from Alabama commented…6mos6MO

CA is the biggest disaster on all levels including how it botched Covid. Prolonged lockdowns, schools shut the longest (now with the worst test scores), fake doctors running public health depts, forcing children to mask, ridiculous mandates. The list is endless.

 @JollyG0vernancefrom Pennsylvania commented…6mos6MO

The state that filled skateparks with sand and arrested people for kayaking alone in the ocean, for a flu like virus?

 @LyingJerky from Texas commented…6mos6MO

Remember the constant prognostications from experts that Florida was on the brink of a massive amount of deaths. It never happened, but they desperately hoped it would.


Which state do you believe struck a better balance between public health and personal freedom during the COVID pandemic, California or Florida, and why?

 @OppositionLillian from Ohio commented…6mos6MO

Californians are gaslit that “it was a pandemic, we didn’ t know, government was trying their best”. Meanwhile other states w/o drastic measure, kids in school, celebrating prom, participating in sports fared as well or better. DeSantis was right.

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