Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9G94XQ5 from Pennsylvania agreed…6mos6MO

Traditional uranium reactors make more sense compared to thorium reactors. Looking at current statistics for nuclear energy per ton of carbon compared to coal it makes sense to use nuclear energy. Coal against nuclear energy per unit make about 273 times more tones of emissions and around 1230 time more deaths. Deaths in nuclear energy really don't happen apart from 3 main meltdowns which have all be the cause of operator error or being hit by a tsunami. None of these problems really have to do with nuclear power in of itself. When looking at public perception of climate change against nuclear energy you will notice a negative association which makes absolutely no sense other than people being stupid. We need better education of nuclear energy in schools.

 @9G957PQ from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

Nuclear power is created for the cause of destruction, most times against innocent lives, something that everyone should be against.

 @9KNGK9P from Utah disagreed…2mos2MO


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