Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @8P7Q9QN from Arizona disagreed…3yrs3Y

Sorry, but trash Trump could take away womens rights and most of the countries people are from Mexico, Cuba, and are Native Americans you may be asking yourself "what does that have to do with anything?" well considering the fact that Donald Trump doesn't like mexicans and calls them drug dealers, rapist and said that mexicans are bringing crime to America although he is a child predator but Americans can just sweep that under a rug and act like it never happend. White people decided to take the Native Americans land and called it their own, and the only reason Trump was electe…  Read more

 @8ZRNDT4Socialist from Virginia commented…2yrs2Y

Aren't the real douchebags the ones that go around trying to belittle others by giving them toxic nicknames? Besides, how can you like Trump when instead of calling him Sloppy Joe, he went for Sleepy? Missed opportunity. I don't know what you think Biden ruined, but understand he is a moderate, pretty close to the middle ground on most stuff. Before 2016, our country wasn't so divided by party, but then we got people calling the other side "cucks" and "snowflakes" and candidates making up middle school names for opponents, and all of the sudden the discourse becomes about party instead of policy.

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Last activeActivity3 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias98%Audience bias67%Active inPartyRepublicanLocationUnknown