Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9FS2W2R from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

yes we do, because the illegal immigrants are coming into the country illegally, yes i know its because the legal way to get into the country is way too tedious and i think we should reform the process to gain citizenship too.

 @9FNQMJX from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

We should build a wall, we need our military worried about real issues of danger, not make them spend time worrying about things that can be avoided if people just stay in their country. BUild a wall


It would be nice to put the cartels in the ground watch one cartel video and tell me they are a terrorist organization.

 @9FLKNW7 from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

While yes there may be a lower amount of immigrants that risk trying to enter the United States, increasing our military presence on the border will A lower the amount of military we have available if we need to use it to help out an ally or defend against an attack, B there will still be immigrants that can sneak in past out military. If we just put a wall there, we won’t need to use as many military resources.

 @9FMBT3DRepublican from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

We can't because it's an act of war and cause more problems with Mexico and with Biden in office, who is doing nothing about the border, it'll only get worse.


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