Try the political quiz

24 Replies

 @9GLJXLCSocialist from Pennsylvania agreed…6mos6MO

I believe that everyone should be vaccinated and aware of the benefits, but I don’t think that the government should be able to force it.

 @9GGNRKD from Virginia agreed…6mos6MO

I think that you don't have to get vaccinated but you will be held criminally liable if you get someone dangerously sick

 @9HXXBKF from California agreed…3mos3MO

It's the parents' fault if their unvaccinated child spreads disease to another child. The child doesn't know better or have as much say in the matter.

 @9FX4ZFS from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

No, Mandatory Vaccinations should be a choice. People should have the right to deny what chemicals go into their bodies, and should not be convinced to do any vaccination.

 @9G7QT5FProgressive from Nebraska agreed…6mos6MO

If a parent can prevent another child's death, but they choose not to by not vaccinating their child and allowing their child told to interact with another child, then they should be held criminally liable for that child's death. Pretty simple concept.

 @9J9H5RJ  from Utah agreed…3mos3MO

because if they aren’t gonna vaccinate their kids they better have another way to keep the diseases away

 @9HSCS5W from Utah agreed…4mos4MO

Pharmaceutical companies are colluding with government to profiteer off of mandates. We should support medical freedom, but if there is negligence we should hold parents accountable.

 @9HQCRDMIndependent from North Carolina agreed…4mos4MO

Mmr vaccine has shown correlation with autism in black boys in particular when administered before age 3.

 @9HGBRP4Progressive from Florida agreed…5mos5MO

If you cause the next black plague by not reportig to the National Healthcare Committee and State of Emergency committee then yes.

 @9H357CQDemocrat from Michigan agreed…5mos5MO

Your body your choice but I believe you should have consequences for your choices if they cause problems (Like spread a deadly virus)

 @9FZ4YKFfrom Maine agreed…6mos6MO

The parents are responsible for the safekeeping of their children, and for the harm their child does to others. If a child infects someone with a preventable disease it's the parents fault.

 @9FTHZ3D from Idaho agreed…7mos7MO

If you are going to make a decision that can hurt other people, you have to be able to deal with the consequences. I have the complete freedom to treat everyone how I want to, but I'm not excused from the consequences. I can get fired, I can lose friends, etc, because my choices have consequences. The same goes for everything in life.

 @9FM3MHP from California agreed…7mos7MO

Enforcing legal accountability for parents who knowingly put others at risk by not vaccinating their children is crucial to protect public health. Data shows that vaccine-preventable diseases can lead to severe health consequences and outbreaks when vaccination rates drop. By holding parents criminally liable in cases where their unvaccinated children cause harm to others, we send a strong signal about the importance of community health and individual responsibility.

 @9GGKSYT from California agreed…6mos6MO

Though I believe vaccination is necessary and the right thing to do, bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right and mandatory vaccination infringes on that right.


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