Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @8VL9DP4 from Texas commented…3yrs3Y,of%2060.0%20percent%20in%201999.

That must mean that the Bible says guys should be working. Where are you guys at? Slacking off?

 @997GJVHfrom Guam commented…1yr1Y

I don't disagree, but I don't agree either. While the Bible does say (indirectly) that the woman's place is in the home, there are a few places (Proverbs 31 being most relevant in this context) that suggest that a woman can and should do work. If a parent is to remain in the home (whether to attend to young children, or cook and clean) then it is the woman, for that is what women have done for generations and generations. But if they are single, or married but have no kids, who is to say that it is wrong to go and get a job? What do you expect them to do all day? Sit at home…  Read more

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Last activeActivity1 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias4%Audience bias76%Active inPartyUndeclaredLocationAmelia, OH