Try the political quiz

17 Replies

 @9FNRGXL from North Dakota disagreed…7mos7MO

there are lots of positions and jobs that place women in a high risk situation and if the military is taking necessary persuasions then it should lower that risk

 @9HV2CM3Libertarian from Minnesota disagreed…4mos4MO

That sounds like an issue for men. Women shouldn't have to avoid certain jobs or places in order to not be sexually assaulted.

 @9HTWPCPPeace and Freedom from Minnesota disagreed…4mos4MO

If that woman know how to combat and defend her self she should be able to defend herself from suxal assault position PLUS sexual assult should not even be allow in first place

 @9H2G9DK from North Dakota disagreed…5mos5MO

In high-risk combat situations the men do not think about the women with them as women, they see them as their fellow soldiers. Also by the time a platoon gets to the point in their train that they are going into combat together, everyone has spent so much time together that the men see the women as either one of the boys or their sister.

 @9FPB5H8 from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes, women should be allowed to serve in combat roles. While it may be true that women have a high risk for sexual assault, men should have the common sense not to do such thing, especially if it is one of your fellow soldiers.


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