Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9GDV2M6 from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Eminent domain excuses the removal of people which could destroy communities or property value. Also, if land is taken from those who are impoverished and have nowhere to go, then those people will be at increased risk of homelessness.

 @9FQVGRD from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Consider the rancher in Texas that lost his ability to raise cattle because the border wall built on his land seized by eminent domain now blocks the cows’ only access to water. Consider the landowner who lost a portion of their lakefront land for a desalination plant that caused years of noisy construction next to their home, destroyed neighborhood roads, devalued what was left of their property, and took away the hilltop where they had always dreamt they would retire.


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