Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9FBSXB3Workers from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

Until someone proves themself safe enough to be off the no fly list they shouldn’t be allowed to purchase a gun

 @8VKDDMH from California commented…2mos2MO

“Innocent until proven guilty”, is a key principle of our entire system of justice. It is not anyone's responsibility to prove that he is not a criminal, or not dangerous, in order to exercise any of his essential human rights; but rather the responsibility of anyone seeking to deny those rights to prove that the person in question is dangerous, and that there is just cause and need in that case to deny those rights.

The very existence of the “no fly list” is a blatant violation of this principle; as would be any expansion of its application to denying any other rights.

 @9F4PHHYIndependent from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Americans have a constitutional right to keep and bare arms. We are also protected and cannot have our liberties curtailed without due process another constitutionally protected right.


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