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11 Replies


If a man is getting paid more than a women, or the other way around, then there is something wrong with that company's morals because they think that one gender/sex is more superior than the other, and that's completely unfair.

 @9F7SNR9 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

For jobs that require physical labor instead of having a set pay, they should pay based on performance. In corporate jobs, the pay should be equal.

 @9F7X2R4Working Family from California agreed…7mos7MO

Men and women that work at the same jobs, should be able to get payed equally because most of the time women do more than men, yet they still get paid less and they should be able to get paid what men are getting paid for the same job.

 @9F8Q2PGRepublican from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

The business should not have to publicly give the salaries of their employees and the amount paid to the employee should be based off of the work they do, not their physical appearance.

 @9F93539 from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes, their pay should be based off of the work they do, which is why women and men should be paid the same amount for the same job, also if there is nothing holding them accountable, who's to say they won't discriminate?

 @9FLV2Q7 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

First, transparency in salary information promotes fairness and equality in the workplace. When employees have access to salary data, they can better negotiate their own salaries. This helps address gender and racial pay gaps because employees can see that they are or are not being paid fairly. Second, publishing salary data can help create a more competitive job market. When employees have more access to salary information, they can make more informed decisions about which companies to apply to. This can encourage businesses to offer competitive salaries in order to attract top talent. To…  Read more

 @9F8PZY6 from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

The amount of pay you get should be determined by the quality of work you produce, rather than you do the same job, and you should get paid. I do believe there should be no gender or race bias in the work place though

 @9F7CMNB from California agreed…7mos7MO

If a man is getting paid more than a women, or the other way around, then there is something wrong with that company's morals because they think that one gender/sex is more superior than the other, and that's completely unfair.


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