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 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but only for low-income government workers, not politicians or executives. Adjust them yearly for inflation

 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but only in countries that frequently breach trade deals and if measures are included that minimize the impact on t…

 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…4hrs4H

Absolutely, make it a living wage based on set regional standards and adjust it yearly for inflation

 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but gradually to prevent mass disruption. Require overtime pay for work beyond four days a week

 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…5hrs5H

Yes, but it should be implemented gradually over a set transition period to prevent mass disruption. Start with state-ba…

 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…5hrs5H

Yes, there should a federally-set minimum amount of days set aside for paid sick leave, vacation days, and maternity/pat…

 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…5hrs5H

Fewer, direct benefits towards those most in need who are working hardest to escape their situation and ensure that all…

 @9NT9RF2 from Texas answered…6hrs6H

Yes, increase for $3 million+ earners, close loopholes for residential and corporations, and lower taxes for middle and…

 @9NT64WQ from Washington answered…7hrs7H

Cap personal wealth at, say, $ 1 billion per person. Any assets beyond which go to healthcare & research, , education, d…

 @9NT5SNK from Illinois answered…8hrs8H

Yes by adjusting it every year according to inflation and punish companies that try to increase the price of goods.

 @9NT5SNK from Illinois answered…8hrs8H

Lower the tax rate on Americans who make less than $90,000 a year and increase incrementally on those who make more than…

 @9NSWTLS from Tennessee answered…13hrs13H

Corporate welfare should be conditioned on the government taking a stake in the company to ensure they don’t repeat thei…

 @9NSWTLS from Tennessee answered…13hrs13H

No, but all basic necessities should be paid for by the government directly rather than potentially allowing people to n…

 @9NSWTLS from Tennessee answered…13hrs13H

Progressive corporate tax rate similar to the income tax where taxes increase as the income of the corporation increases

 @9NSWGVT from Tennessee answered…14hrs14H

More but give more benefits to elderly and disabled and reform the system so that it encourages people to get a job and…

 @9NSWGVT from Tennessee answered…14hrs14H

No, and Remove income tax completely as well as other taxes that unnecessarily steal citizen’s hard earned money and for…

 @9NSPTCM from Colorado answered…17hrs17H

Yes raise the tax rate on incomes above $300k per year and close loopholes only available to the rich and corporations w…

 @9NSLZW9from Guam  answered…18hrs18H

No, this would cause economic collapse due to strain on government spending and increasing tax rates

 @9NSG958 from Pennsylvania answered…20hrs20H

Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive, and additional incentives for those who don't test positive

 @9NS8L6C from North Carolina answered…22hrs22H

Incentivize long-term and tax higher micro-term. Add a tiny tax to every transaction inverse to the time held, for up t…

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…22hrs22H

No. While this SOUNDS safer - imagine if a hostile, foreign entity is eventually able to "hack" the block chain. It wo…