Try the political quiz

30 Replies


How would you feel if you knew your favorite products might get more expensive due to higher taxes on corporations?

 @9M236SK from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

I think its fair the rich need to be taxed at a higher rate then we do since they bring in

 @9M2CZ3R from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

I think that everybody should be taxed equally and people shouldn't be punished for being succesful.

 @9M2BLJ8Republican from Michigan disagreed…1mo1MO

Why would someone who worked hard for their money be taxed more than the drug addicts and weed smokers who want nothing to do with hard work.

 @9M27XZH from Massachusetts agreed…1mo1MO

Taxes need to be balanced to according to every person's income, a uber wealthy person shouldn't get taxed less than a teacher or nurse.

 @9M23GKFRepublican from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

I would not like it at all and probably not buy the item for as much as they want me to

 @9M3F47Z from North Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

If the tax structure gets properly amended along with wages reflecting proper adjustment, an increase in the price of some of my favorite products would be bearable.

 @9M3GQ4J from Texas answered…1mo1MO

I would be a little upset because the prices should remain relatively the same but it should cost the company some profit.

 @9M239YKJustice party member from Texas answered…1mo1MO

I would feel mad because i liked that and i wouldn’t want it to get more expensive.


Do you believe it's fair for wealthy individuals and large corporations to pay more taxes than the average citizen?

 @9M3GQ4J from Texas answered…1mo1MO

 @9M234D6 from Arkansas answered…1mo1MO

The tax bill is initiated in the House of Representatives and referred to the Ways and Means Committee. When members of this committee reach agreement about the legislation, they write a proposed law.

 @9M238PHfrom Vermont answered…1mo1MO

Yes because they have more money then the working class so they should have to pay more so the working class can keep there money and save up and help them make millions.

 @9M236MM from Ohio answered…1mo1MO

Yes, they deserve to while the average U.S. citizen already pays too much.


Imagine if the economic policy changes lead to more job opportunities but also increase government debt; do you think it's worth the trade-off?

 @9LZYVLF from Michigan answered…1mo1MO

50 50. mostly good and bad as it will put more strain on the government

 @T3rritorialAuroraProgressive from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

It's refreshing to see someone like Yellen standing firm on progressive economic policies that aim to make corporations pay their fair share, despite the predictable pushback.


Yellen defends global corporate minimum tax deal amid Republican criticism

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday defended a global corporate tax deal against Republicans' accusations that it would siphon away U.S. revenues and said she was working to carve out an allowance for the U.


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