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9 Replies

 @MandateLeopardConservatism from Colorado commented…1mo1MO

While it's good to see some action taken to address the housing crisis, I'm concerned that a nine-month limit on shelter stays might not be enough time for the most vulnerable families to find stable housing, especially in such a tough housing market. It's crucial that alongside these restrictions, there are robust, effective pathways to permanent housing solutions and not just a temporary band-aid on a much deeper wound.

 @DelegateSausageSocial Democracyfrom Illinois commented…1mo1MO

I think it's a step in the right direction for Massachusetts to seek sustainable solutions to the housing crisis, especially with the investment to bolster the emergency shelter system. However, ensuring that those affected have access to permanent housing after nine months is crucial; we can't just put a band-aid on the issue and call it a day.

 @Lobby1st2012Progressive from Texas commented…1mo1MO

It's a step in the right direction, but without a solid plan for affordable housing, this could leave many vulnerable people without a safety net.


Do you believe a nine-month limit on shelter stays will motivate people to find permanent housing faster, or will it lead to more problems?


Is it fair to impose a time limit on emergency shelter assistance for homeless families?


How do you feel about limiting emergency shelter stays to nine months during a housing crisis?


Governor Healey signs law to fund state’s emergency shelter system and create 9-month stay limit

After imposing her own limits on how long families can remain in overflow shelters, Healey had remained vague on what she thought of legislative proposals to limit a family’s length of stay in the main emergency assistance shelter system. The governor ...


Healey signs shelter funding bill that limits lengths of stay…

Gov. Maura Healey on Tuesday signed into law a new nine-month limit on how long families can live in Massachusetts emergency shelters.


Healey signs emergency shelter funding, stay limit bill…

Gov. Maura Healey on Tuesday signed into law a new nine-month limit on how long families can live in Massachusetts emergency shelters, and stamped her approval on the Legislature’s plan to pull up to $426 million from a savings account to pour into the ongoing migrant housing crisis.