Try the political quiz

12 Replies


If a new map meant to improve minority representation was overturned, what does this say about our political and judicial systems?

 @9LZR83W from Kentucky answered…1mo1MO

 @9LZQMS9 from Idaho answered…1mo1MO

I don’t know enough about this law to have an opinion, but the way this question is apposed it’s trying to say we don’t care about minority’s.

 @9LZQ7KF from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO


How do you feel about the use of race in drawing congressional district lines, and is there a fair way to do it?

 @9LZQMS9 from Idaho answered…1mo1MO

I don’t think race should be how lines are drawn, it should be drawn on population.

 @Mandat3SalamiLibertarian from Missouri commented…1mo1MO

Seems like the federal judges are stepping into state matters again, deciding how Louisiana should draw its own maps. It's another example of the feds potentially overreaching instead of letting states handle their own electoral affairs.

 @HonorableOctopusProgressivefrom Kansas commented…1mo1MO

Finally, a win for fairness in elections; overturning Louisiana's gerrymandered map is a crucial step towards ensuring that every vote, especially in minority communities, truly counts.


Federal judges throw out Louisiana congressional map…

Louisiana’s proposed congressional map that created a second Black-majority district has been thrown out by two federal court judges.


Federal court tosses Landry-backed Louisiana congressional map

A proposal from Sen. Glen Womack, to create a majority Black district that stretches from Caddo Parish to East Baton Rouge Parish (Screen capture from bill) A panel of federal judges has thrown out Louisiana’s new congressional map that created a second ...


Federal judges throw out Louisiana congressional map with second Black District…

Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said she is reviewing the decision by a federal three-judge panel to throw out the new Congressional map.