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Federal Agencies Take Bold Steps to Protect LGBTQ+ Rights and Privacy


Should healthcare coverage be inclusive of gender-affirming care, and how might this impact the rights and well-being of the transgender community?

 @9LYX648 from Florida answered…1mo1MO

At the end of the day, everyone is still human no matter if they identify as male/female or part of the LGBTQ community. They are not bothering us so why do we feel the need to control what they get.

 @9LZH86L from Florida agreed…1mo1MO

Let's look at Conflict theory for this one. If Marx is right, then the only reason we wouldn't affirm a transgender person's needs as valid would be because we want to maintain a superiority in our status quo. If you don't believe you are better than anyone else, the idea of your local neighbors getting sex changes shouldn't bother you.
The reality is, though--if I can't have an abortion, I'm not supporting transgender gender-affirming care being paid for by our government. It's a double-standard.