Try the political quiz

6 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

I am using the British loyalists as an example, not a diversion, to explain my point of view. People do disgusting things to do what they view is right, and today, what they did has proven to be right in the long run as now you HAVE weekends, now you have 8-hour workdays, overtime pay, a guaranteed basic amount of wages for working, mandating you be paid at least close to what you’re worth. Whatever economic impact that caused, it was worth it, because we’re happier, we’re healthier, we’re BETTER than in the 1880s, and that’s thanks to unions and the labor movement overtime.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Here's a thought experiment – imagine some cataclysmic event destroyed all the technological progress of man since the year 1800 and we were left completely to start over, completely to recreate everything we've lost – but with a catch – you can't work you employees more than eight hours a day, you can't work your employees more than five days a week, they must be paid 50% more for every hour they work more than that, you must pay them $15 an hour, you must allow them to unionise and go on strike whenever they please, you cannot let teenagers work, you…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Well, I’d lax SOME of these things because some of them are useless now, but a lot of these things being destroyed just leads to disgustingly inhumane and unethical conditions, practically creating barely paid slave labor. I’d take out the unions for a little bit to get some progress done, but the moment they become big again, we’re riding these types of regulations right back in. With our current minds and access to knowledge, we’d recreate our previous circumstances extremely fast regardless. The factories that create the parts for more factories don’t have to…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

For the ten thousandth time, tax cuts benefit ALL so-called "classes" precisely because when the rich have more money, they expand their businesses, create more jobs, innovate, invest, in many cases, like the Ford Motor COmpany in the 1900s, pioneer new employee benefits to competitively garner necessary workers, and they invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, ad infinitum, all of which create jobs and employment for the middle & lower classes on top of moving the economy forward and creating new technologies. Regulations on private business are often ludicrous, and contribute…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Yet somehow tax cuts on the rich have zero correlation to our growth, and actually impair it drastically due to the deficit being increased as a nation makes less overall revenue from losing the tax revenue. Our productivity has never been higher, improving by over 60% within less than 50 years, while wages have increased a revoltingly small quantity of 17% in return. We’re exhausted, and it’s time that the money the rich gained largely from us comes full circle back, because this money hasn’t been used to help us, nor has it ever been guaranteed to. Ford did that as a rare…  Read more

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