Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9GW7GPBIndependent  from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Everyone deserves a choice. There are so many reasons what someone could need an abortion and that is up to them and their doctor. What if it was because of Rape? What if it was because of a medical issue? What then? What if a condom broke - they weren't having unprotected sex. Look the bottom line is we have a right to choose that is up to us. Maybe someone wouldn't survive childbirth to put the child up for adoption. Maybe someone couldn't bear knowing they got raped and had to have the child even if putting it up for adoption. Who are you to force that on someone. - especially when the adoption process is so expensive, hard, and not all children are treated well.

 @9GW75T5 from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Having protected sex can still lead to pregnancy, just because a contraceptive is used does not automatically mean there is no possible chance of pregnancy.

 @9GW6N2K from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Not everyone who tries to adopt has good intentions when adopting. People get rapped they should not have to carry around something that reminds them of that every day. If 15-year-olds can't vote or adopt they shouldn't be forced to have a baby they don't want. When someone has a baby they don't want that where child abuse starts to take place.

 @9GW72TL from Kentucky disagreed…7mos7MO

I think abortions should still be made legal. Some people are victims of rape, so they did not have a choice to have unprotected sex. Nobody would want to carry the child of someone who ruined their life. Some may say that they could just put the child up for adoption, but who's to say they would have a good life with the new parents? Or if it stayed with the original parents, how would they feel knowing they were a child of something horrific?


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