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Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?


 @9GMWN9B  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Kids are incredibly influenced by everything and everyone that surrounds them, so if we teach kids of color that everything is stacked against them, they're going to wonder why they even bother trying. Or, they'll develop a subconscious resentment towards white people, and that resentment will only breed more discontent between the races.

 @9GS6P29 from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

I agree one hundred percent. Kids learning these principles will consistently have a victim mentality after learning this and not learn how to deal with hard things in life and when bad things happen to them they will narrow it down to the color of their skin and not their actions and consequences and just the natural bad things that happen in life.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

First of all, if this is what you're assuming is going to be learned from CRT, then you obviously don't understand CRT. Secondly, how would someone even tell the difference between "having a victim mentality" vs "actually being a victim", and why do you assume the former?