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Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?


 @9GK28G3CA Common Sense from Maine agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

The...LGBTQ(a lot of plusses apparently) litreally all suffer from gender dysphoria. That is a mental disorder. Why promote an disorder?

 @9GKYYW2 from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Only transgender people have gender dysphoria. All modern science concurs that the mental disorder is only able to be treated by transitioning.


All modern science concurs that the mental disorder is only able to be treated by transitioning.

Actually, modern science does not support this. While yes, some places have found findings that all transgender people have gender dysphoria (I wonder why this correlation exists, /sarcasm) this is not an effective cure. Many people have expressed continued problems after their transitions. While some are happy and make it past, some are not. I agree that it is a mental disorder. However, many people who tried a therapeutic route also expressed positive results. It is not factual to state that all modern science concurs, it actually does not, nor that the only treatment is transitioning. In…  Read more