Try the political quiz

59 Replies

 @OffendedAmnestyLibertarian from Maryland commented…10mos10MO

Vivek Ramaswamy just paraphrased Jordan Peterson on the debate stage by addressing the decline of national identity in the United States. "We live in a dark moment, and we are in the middle of a cold cultural civil war."

Pence is delusional by saying that Americans are full of patriotism and pride.

DeSantis comes in and points out the cause of it: George Soros and the Soros-funded district attorneys. He points out, correctly, that he is the only governor who has taken on Soros directly by firing Soros' puppets and he promises to do it on a national level.

 @ObsessedWhitingRepublican from Arizona agreed…10mos10MO

Vivek Ramaswamy expertly echoed Jordan Peterson's insight and shed light on the current decline of national identity in the United States. We are indeed engulfed in a dark moment, witnessing a cultural civil war. Pence's perspective fails to acknowledge the reality of our fractured nation.

 @ZealfulPlatypus from California commented…10mos10MO

Was Burgum the only one who said leave abortion to the states???

 @PassionateLardDemocratfrom Michigan agreed…10mos10MO

So far, Gov. Doug Burgum is the only Republican to take Nino Scalia's position on abortion and the constitution.


 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…9mos9MO

It's wouldn't seem so to people who don't know the true ideology of the Founding Fathers. In fact, they believed that there is a Higher Law than any human government's law (obviously human government is pure evil, can we not agree?) called the Law of God (and he is obviously pure perfection and justice, can we not agree?) So the Constitution is the highest HUMAN law of the land, and since God has given us all natural rights, the first and most immediate being the right to life, it would be AGAINST the spirit of the Constitution and everything our country stands for to allow 80 plus million children to be murdered on an industrial scale EVERY SINGLE YEAR. This is not a question of Constitutionality since we're talking murder.

 @eXecutiveTerry from Tennessee commented…9mos9MO

Founding fathers would say abortion is a case of states rights.

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…9mos9MO

Allow me to explain further the concept of natural rights, which we should all know: Government doesn't give us rights, God gives us them from the time of conception. Rights to life, to liberty, to private property, and a host of others, but the first three are the triumvirate of the most important natural rights. Before we form governments, we are in what Thomas Hobbes calls a "State of Nature" where "life is nasty, brutish, and short." To protect our rights, we agree to form government, which is a pure and abominable, but regrettably necessary in some instances,…  Read more

 @FalconBarryRepublican from Washington commented…10mos10MO

 @RiceFrankiefrom Virgin Islands commented…10mos10MO

Smart decision by DeSantis to shut down the Jan. 6th question

Mike Pence: Why aren't we talking more about how I upheld the Constitution?

 @Gr4ssrootsKitten from Missouri agreed…10mos10MO

I thought DeSantis would deal with constant incoming, instead about half way though he’s unscathed and has seemed to get the most applause

 @ThirdPartyOwlfrom Minnesota commented…10mos10MO

Vivek has not said a word since Chris Christie body slammed him


 @WidgeonEleanorfrom Pennsylvania agreed…10mos10MO

As long as Vivek isn’t talking, we’re actually hearing some actual positions on issues.

 @Elect0ralCodfrom Maine commented…10mos10MO

Nikki Haley hits Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, and Tim Scott for supporting bigger spending under the Trump administration:

“Biden didn’t do this to us; our Republicans did this to us, too ... Trump added $8 trillion to our debt and our kids are never going to forgive us for this.”

 @TradeTariffCod from Texas commented…10mos10MO

DeSantis was pretty clever in rolling federal spending under both Biden and Trump into the same thing and blame them both for lockdowns.

 @W3lfareLucy from Nebraska commented…10mos10MO

First zinger of the debate: Mike Pence

hits Vivek Ramaswamy, says “now is not the time for on the job training.”

Ramaswamy hits back - asks if that was a rehearsed line from a Super PAC - insinuates Pence is a “Super PAC puppet.”

 @DecimalOcelot from California commented…10mos10MO

Vivek uses too many words. He comes across as slick. This guy sold a fake drug and made a billion dollars.

 @PlatypusDickRepublican from California agreed…10mos10MO

Vivek is a joke that only the most gullible imbeciles would even consider supporting. He is a snake oil salesmen and he will be down to 2% by January 15th.

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska disagreed…9mos9MO

"Too many words?" At least he isn't using logical fallacies like your Uncle Mike.

 @RelievedOrangefrom Pennsylvania commented…10mos10MO

Just as I predicted, Fox News brought up CLIMATE CHANGE before immigration.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

And it lasted for like 20 seconds before half the argument was immigration.

 @CrowTimRepublican from South Dakota commented…10mos10MO

Ron Desantis sounds like a robot.

Nikki Haley went straight for the jugular with a great answer.

Crowd excited for Vivek.

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…9mos9MO

Ron DeSantis sounds like a leader ... if you call keeping your cool in the midst of heavy fire and not getting involved Vivek, Pence, and Haley's childish squabbles "robotic" I'm sure he's darn proud to be a robot

 @FranchiseSnipefrom North Carolina commented…10mos10MO

Asa Hutchinson is getting VICIOUSLY BOOED by the entire audience at the GOP debate for saying Donald Trump should be disqualified from running for President over January 6.

 @CivilLibertiesTermite from North Carolina commented…10mos10MO

Four minutes of talking and Nikki is already playing Hillary Clinton. I'M A WOMAN! VOTE FOR ME!

 @PopulistBear from Illinois commented…10mos10MO

No-one cares what you did, Asa Hutchinson. You have no chance and nothing interesting or original to say.

 @Bl4ckBoxHaileyIndependentfrom Maine commented…10mos10MO

Ron Desantis sounds pre-recorded. Fighting the ghost of Trump and Fauci rather than the people on stage next to


Pence giving a lot more fight than I expected.

Vivek still has the crowd.

 @IntuitiveAmnestyfrom Oklahoma commented…10mos10MO

"I've got news for you Vivek..."

The last VP going neg on a guy who was trying to get a Daily Wire gig 10 mins ago, getting booed for trumpeting experience

Today's GOP

 @RuffsJeff from Oregon commented…10mos10MO


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