Try the political quiz

267 Replies

 @8TLPKX3from Guam answered…3yrs3Y

Decrease corporate income taxes to 10%, remove the dual tax structure, abolish Securities Transaction Tax and expand deductions and benefits

 @8RSQ2TRfrom California answered…3yrs3Y

Only if used to invest in a sovereign wealth fund to fund entrepreneurship, and also if used to lower the national deficit.

 @8RQBRW6from Guam answered…3yrs3Y

 @8PNPD72from Maryland answered…4yrs4Y

There should be tax brackets related to the capacity of the business.

 @8PJJJRGfrom Oregon answered…4yrs4Y

No, instead transform India into a tax haven and embrace private enterprise.

 @8NP97STfrom Oregon answered…4yrs4Y

No, this discourages enterprise and industry, instead lower corporate and income taxes and go on a sweeping simplification of the tax code.

 @8KR26DJfrom Guam answered…4yrs4Y

No, only if they reinvest a good fraction back in some form in India.

 @8H3RCBGfrom Oregon answered…4yrs4Y

No, instead transform India into a tax haven for local and foreign businesses.