Try the political quiz

366 Replies


Why do you think it's important to have control over your personal choices?

 @9KSJQGK from California answered…3mos3MO

I think it is but only to a certain extent because people may harm themselves.

 @9KVX78C from Georgia disagreed…3mos3MO

Individuals who are of sound mind and body are responsible for themselves, the choices the make and the consequences that come with those choices.

 @9KSJFM6 from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

Because I am a human with Natural Rights given to me by my creator. I am an individual and the control over my choices are mine.

 @9KSJTM6 from Washington answered…3mos3MO

 @9KSJF46 from Washington answered…3mos3MO


What impact might the rise of autonomous technologies, like AI, have on our lives and choices?

 @9JRFWKD from California answered…4mos4MO

Ai will be one of, if not the main, reasons for the end. We as human beings should naturally reject the ideology of a smarter technological being having control over us. We should fear and turn away from it.

 @9JRPG8H from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

Man has feared technological advancement for as long as we can remember. AI, like any powerful technology, should be used responsibly and subject to reasonable regulation, but you can't just wish it away. AI is advancing, so the best course of action is to be smart and account for potential issues.

 @9JRMVH5 from Alabama disagreed…4mos4MO

We should embrace the ability to do more. If we don't someone else will. Its up to us to figure out a way to handle this.

 @9JRFY82 from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

AI has the possibility of being the greatest helper or tool but also is demsied.

 @9JRF2BN from Maryland answered…4mos4MO

 @9JRFVSP from California answered…4mos4MO

it will make people lose the ability to do things for themselves or cause a high dependency on something that is not real


How can young people cultivate autonomy in their decision-making in a world dominated by adult opinions?

 @9JKCYLJ from Connecticut commented…4mos4MO

Young people can learn about their government and their options on their own so that they can have their own opinions.

 @9JRH62J from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Youth can express their opinions to the public if they are relevant and the people are experienced in the field they are expressing.


Gather in groups and make more noise in student-centered spaces. Create more student-centered spaces


Young people should invest time and themselves into researching and finding accurate true information about topics they believe in or have certain opinions or interests about.


How would you use increased personal freedom to enhance your community?

 @9KWT6XM from California answered…3mos3MO

I would try to create a safer nation. In America there is always the feeling that something may happen that can hurt you physically or mentally. Instead I would push for an America where all people can feel safe.

 @9KWT3R3 from New Hampshire answered…3mos3MO

I would try to create a safer nation. In America there is always the feeling that something may happen that can hurt you physically or mentally. Instead I would push for an America where all people can feel safe.

 @9KWSQRD from California answered…3mos3MO

I would do the most in my power to help make my community a safer and more well though out place.


If you were given complete freedom to start any project at school, what would it be and why?

 @9JC8H6D from Minnesota commented…5mos5MO

I would start a bible study, because It will give people to have a spirtual relationship.

 @9JRDZ2S  from Kansas answered…4mos4MO

I would want to start an effort project. However, you can not teach effort, I feel like if there was a way to, I would want to do it. So many children have potential but they do not choose to use it.

 @9JRG2RD  from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

I would start an animation club, because I think that would be cool. :3

 @9JK4K4P  from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

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How would society change if everyone prioritized personal autonomy in their daily lives?

 @9HZ9S3BRepublican from California answered…5mos5MO

I would say we would live in a more dangerous and unstable society than what we already live in.

 @9HZ9XXT from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

that would be bad if people made up their own rules i think.

 @9J5J9H6 from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

If people focused on their freedom and ability to govern themselves in presence of a functioning justice system is good. Even in absence of a justice system and it remains a good thing to focus on personal autonomy.
It is better to focus on where you are free and what you are able to do and what things not to do. Then to focus on the things that we are restricted from doing. Like flying a hand held kite higher then 5000 feet

 @9HZ9ZRW from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZ9R3W from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

It would make the world a lot easier to live in, and I think easier life is better

 @9J2XJSB from Oregon disagreed…5mos5MO

Personal autonomy is important, but sometimes you have to do things you don't want for the betterment of everyone else. What would happen if everyone who hates their jobs quit at the same time?


How would greater autonomy in your educational choices enhance or hinder your learning experience?

 @9JRJ9QS from Nebraska answered…4mos4MO

I think that an individuals autonomy over what they chose to study in college is great, however this freedom should be limited for grades k-12. Exploring different modes, and topics of education is certainly important, as most individuals don't truly know what they want to pursue in life until they've had a taste of it. However, the problem with allowing too much single track exploration will push individuals behind their peers if they decide they would like to try something else, as they would have to first learn the basics of their new interest before they could continue on to the…  Read more

 @9JRHQM7 from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

Students should be more educated on things that matter, things that include their body, health, lives, and the same things but of others. Students need to learn and need teachers that will teach, they can't just learn on their own by reading a passage. ( I dont actually get the question.)

 @9JRHJPJSocialist from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

I think society would benefit more from people passionate about what they’re pursuing and given the opportunity to explore more


How might a self-governed community solve problems differently than a centrally governed one?

 @9HZBCD2 from California answered…5mos5MO

As opposed to a centrally governed community, self-governed communities may experience a closer relationship between officials and the residents as decisions are heavily, if not completely, influenced by the opinions of the people.

 @9HZBQ98  from California answered…5mos5MO

A self-governed community might solve problems faster and more radically than a centrally governed one, because they would all have a direct vote on issues.

 @9HZ9W2Hfrom Maine answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZB9HS from Illinois answered…5mos5MO


In what ways do you think autonomism could impact technological advancement and innovation?

 @9H5H9VFfrom Guam answered…7mos7MO

 @9H5H3GL from Washington answered…7mos7MO


How do you think personal autonomy in the workplace could affect job satisfaction and productivity?

 @9JFJRXJ from New Mexico answered…4mos4MO

I believe this could affect job satisfaction and productivity in a positive way due to empowering employers to take lead in their tasks, causing one to achieve more.

 @9JFJL53Democrat from California answered…4mos4MO


How does the idea of taking full responsibility for your choices make you feel?


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